Cartography - Calendar of Meetings and Events

New members and visitors are always welcome to attend these events.
Please submit your meeting notices to John W. Docktor <phillymaps(at)gmail(dot)com>
To learn more about non-current maps see Map History / History of Cartography.
Exhibition announcements can be found at Cartography - Calendar of Exhibitions.
Click here for archive of past events.


June 17, 2024 – Boston (Online) The Leventhal Map & Education Center will have a virtual lecture The Blue Maps of China: A Conversation with Elke Papelitzky from 1:00 – 2:00 pm New York (EDT) time. To attend the lecture register here.

June 20, 2024 – Washington (Online) Hosted by the Washington Map Society, this Zoom meeting is presented in partnership with the California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies. Anyone interested in participating in the meeting must RSVP to John Docktor at washmap(at) in order to receive the meeting ID and passcode. Meeting will start at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, 6:00 PM Central Time, 5:00 PM Mountain Time, and 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Heiko Mühr (Earth Sciences & Map Library, University of California Berkeley) will speak about Mapping German Americans and Their Communities: Heinz Kloss and His 1974 Ethnographic Atlas.

June 29, 2024 – Stanford (Hybrid) The Spring Meeting of the California Map Society will be held, from 10am to 4:30pm, at the David Rumsey Map Center, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall. Click here for additional details.

July 1-5, 2024 - Lyon, France Imago Mundi and the University of Lyon will be glad to welcome you back to France during the 30th International Conference on the History of Cartography, postponed from 2023. The idea of organizing the conference in Lyon with the theme Confluences - Interdisciplinarity and New Challenges in the History of Cartography is inspired by the very location of the city, as a confluence between North and South, between Saône and Rhône rivers, the Rhône Valley and the Alps. The official language of the conference will be English, and all presentations must be in that language. There will be no simultaneous translation. There will be a pre-conference visit to Paris and Bibliothèque Nationale de France on June 29th, and a post-conference tour on July 6th. Additional information from <ichc2024(at)>.

July 3, 2024 – Lyon, France The Lyon Map Fair will be held 11.00 to 18.00 at the University of Lyon/MILC - Maison Internationale des Langues et des Cultures, 35 rue Raulin -The 15 national and international map dealers will offer for sale a large selection of old maps, atlases, globes, travel books, and prints.

July 9, 2024 - Boston (Online) Join the Leventhal Map & Education Center for a virtual lecture from 7:00-8:00 pm.: Tracing ‘Yu’: Stone Maps and the Modern Re-Imagination of ‘Chinese’ Territory. On opposite sides of a twelfth-century stele in Xi’an appear two of the most famous maps in Chinese cartographic history, the Tracks of Yu and the Map of Chinese and Foreigners, best known through rubbings now found in collections around the world. This paper, by Stephen H. Whiteman (Reader in the Art and Architecture of China, The Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London), revisits these two maps, reflecting on the almost heroic status they have acquired in modern efforts to imagine the ‘China’ and the Chinese past through its technical accomplishments. Click here to register.

August 27, 2024 - Dublin The Royal Irish Academy, in partnership with the International Geographical Congress 2024, invites you to a public event that traces the evolution of mapping in Ireland. From map-making as a colonial project to contemporary community map-making as a means to address significant national challenges, we invite you to consider the social and political power of maps in a variety of contexts across more than 400 years. Mapping Ireland Through Time: From Cartographies to Communities will feature a series of fifteen-minute talk on maps and map-making during different time periods. This will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Professor Keith Lilley, Queen’s University Belfast.

August 27-30, 2024 - London (Hybrid) The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2024 will be chaired by Professor Stephen Legg (University of Nottingham, UK). The chair’s theme will explore mapping in all its forms, in a world that is saturated with maps, from historical cartography to the newest technologies and digital practices. The conference venue will be at the Society and at Imperial College London. Additional information from <ac2024(at)>.

September 4-7, 2024 – Oldenberg The 21. Kartographiehistorisches Colloquium will be held. Program can be viewed online.

September 6-7, 2024 – Amsterdam The first international Amsterdam Map Fair will be held on Saturday, 7 November at the Maritime Museum from 11.00-18.00. There are extras for members of both International Map Collectors' Society (IMCoS) and The Brussels Map Circle. These include a boat trip and a lunch on the day. There is also an optional concert that evening. Our much-esteemed previous IMCoS Chair, Hans Kok, will be giving an address at the Fair in the afternoon. On Friday, 6 November, there will be a guided tour of the Maritime Museum and a pre-Mapfair cocktail reception on a classic boat cruising the Amsterdam canals. Make your reservation now.

September 7, 2024 - Amsterdam The Brussels Map Circle is pleased to announce its next excursion to Amsterdam, in conjunction with the Map Fair. The programme will follow.

September 10, 2024 - Boston (Hybrid) Join the Leventhal Map & Education Center, 700 Boylston Street, for a lecture from 7:00-8:00 pm. Learn about the changing land tenure systems of eighteenth-century Canada as seen through maps. The 1774 Quebec Act is primarily known for partially provoking the American Revolution. But it also formalized the continuation of French, and by extension, Indigenous land tenures in British-controlled Quebec. In this program, Julia Lewandoski (Assistant Professor of History, University of California San Diego) will explore how cartographers struggled to express and accommodate distinctive French and Indigenous forms of landholding on maps meant to assert British dominance over the province. Registration is not required, but we will send a calendar invitation and reminder to registered attendees.

September 11-13, 2024 - Cartagena de Indias, Columbia The First Colombian Symposium on the History of Geography and Cartography is an initiative of Razón Cartográfica: Network of History of the Geographies and Cartographies of Colombia, the History Program of the University of Cartagena and the Geography Program of the National University of Colombia (La Paz Campus).

September 18-19, 2024 – London (Online) Canceled: The Map Curators’ Group of the British Cartographic Society has canceled its Annual Workshop. Additional information from Paula Williams <P.Williams(at)NLS.UK>.

September 19, 2024 – Washington (Hybrid) The Library of Congress Philip Lee Phillips Society will be sponsoring two presentations about The World through Global Eyes with a focus on Islamic cartography and it will be held in Jefferson building, LJ119 (Mahogany Row), in the afternoon but time to be determined. First Speaker: Dr. Shah Hanifi (Professor of History, James Madison University) is a historian with research interests in the Middle East, Islamic urbanism, migration, diasporas, and cartography. Second Speaker: Dr. Karen C. Pinto (Associate Scholar, Religious Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder) is author of “Medieval Islamic Maps: An Exploration” (University of Chicago, 2016). In addition, G&M staff will give a short talk on related acquisitions and a display of collection items from the Geography and Map Division and the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room. Registration to be announced.

October 3-5, 2024 - Kansas City The Road Map Collectors Association will have MapCon 2024 at the Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel, 8801 NW 112th St.

October 4-5, 2024 – Arlington The theme of the 14th Biennial Virginia Garrett Lectures in the History of Cartography is Celestial Charts. Further details to be announced.

October 8, 2024 - Paris The idea of geography being the “eye of history” is a common expression in the early modern period, but it is articulated in a specific way if we take the cartographic object as the point of observation. The map as the “eye of history” (16th-18th centuries) is a study day which will re-investigate the relationship between maps and history in the chronological span from the 16th to the 18th century, in Europe and its imperial extensions, from three angles: the analysis of the place of maps in the teaching and reading of history, an investigation into history on and through maps, and a reflection on the porosity between the producers of historical and cartographic knowledge. With the support of the Centre Alexandre-Koyré (CAK) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), the study day will take place in the conference room of the Maps and Plans Department of the BnF on the Richelieu site. Additional inforamtion from <oeildelhistoire2024(at)>.

October 10, 2024 – Washington (Online) Hosted by the Washington Map Society, this Zoom meeting is presented in partnership with the California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies. Anyone interested in participating in the meeting must RSVP to John Docktor at washmap(at) in order to receive the meeting ID and passcode. Meeting will start at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, 6:00 PM Central Time, 5:00 PM Mountain Time, and 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Dr. Catherine Gibson (Lecturer in East European Studies, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia) will talk about Mapmakers in Action: Drawing Borders in the Baltic, 1919-1920. This meeting was arranged with the assistance of the New York Map Society.

October 14-15, 2024 - Prague The workshop Ethnolinguistic cartography (18th–21st centuries) in comparative perspective: genre, political conflicts, memory, organised by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences with the support of the Strategy AV21: Research programme Identities in the World of Wars and Crises, will take place at the Institute of History. The theme of the workshop will be to analyse the development of ethnolinguistic maps in Europe and other regions of the world from different perspectives from the 18th to the 21st century. Additional information from dr. Stanislav Holubec <sholubec(at)> or dr. Jitka Močičková <mocickova(at)>.

October 16-19, 2024 - Valletta, Malta The 41st International Map Collectors' Society annual symposium, Imago Melitae 2024, will feature six lectures by well-known figures in the cartographic world will be given along with visits to the National Library, MUZA and Lascaris War Rooms in Valletta, the Maritime Museum and the Inquisitors Palace in Vittoriosa, and the National and Ecclesiastical Archives in Rabat and Mdina. On October 20 there will be a post symposium tour to the sister island of Gozo where we will visit the Ġgantija Archaeological Park – a Unesco World Heritage site, the Citadel of Rabat, the Ħaġar Museum and other interesting historical places.

October 22, 2024 - Boston (Online) Join the Leventhal Map & Education Center for a virtual lecture from 7:00-8:00 pm. Learn how “cartifacts” circulated in the everydays spaces of the Revolutionary War era. In North America, the consumer revolution of the eighteenth century profoundly affected people’s material life and, as some argue, paved the way for other more momentous political revolutions. In this program, Martin Brückner (Professor of English and Director of the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture at the University of Delaware) will discuss how maps became popular consumer goods and how their material transfer as “cartifacts” came to shape everyday and political life in early America. Click here to register.

October 24-26, 2024 - San Antonio The Society for History of Discoveries will be partnering with The Texas Map Society for our next annual conference. With its warm weather, beautiful riverwalk, and rich history, San Antonio offers another exciting venue that aligns with our society's broad interests. The conference will be a multiple-day affair that will be near the Alamo and will include an excursion to the nearby Missions. Located directly on Alamo Square, our venue for the annual meeting is the famed Menger Hotel, historic partner hotel of the Alamo.

October 26, 2026 – Richmond Save the date, the Washington Map Society is planing a field trip to Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad Street. Further details will be circulated in late September.

November 21, 2024 – Washington The Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division will celebrate 25th Annual GIS Day: Mapping Our World. Presented as one of the Library of Congress’ Live at the Library series, this event will feature Dr. Vicki Ferrini (Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) talking about Ocean Floor mapping and a display of related collection items. In addition, G&M staff will be hosting several interactive activities in the Great Hall involving maps and globes. Lecture will he in Jefferson Building, LJ119, 6:30 pm.

December 4, 2024 – Washington (Online) Hosted by the Washington Map Society, this Zoom meeting is presented in partnership with the California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies. Anyone interested in participating in the meeting must RSVP to John Docktor at washmap(at) in order to receive the meeting ID and passcode. Meeting will start at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, 6:00 PM Central Time, 5:00 PM Mountain Time, and 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Dr. Neal Asbury (rare map collector, CEO of Legacy Companies, and host of syndicated weekly radio talk show - Neal Asbury’s Made in America) and Dr. Jean-Pierre Isbouts (historian and professor emeritus, Fielding Graduate University) will speak about Mapping the Holy Land: An Illustrated Discussion. Their book "Mapping the Holy Land: An Illustrated Atlas" is available wherever books are sold.

December 6, 2024 - Paris Following on from the meeting organised on 25 November 2023 in Paris on the intersections between art and cartography, the History Commission of the Comité Français de Cartographie is organising a study day entitled Cartography and Cinema at the National Institut d'histoire de l'art, Galerie Colbert, 2 rue Vivienne. As we all know, cinema, the main medium of fiction developed during the 20th century, has from the outset been concerned with the representation of the most diverse spaces and landscapes on the surface of the planet. Cartography, in all its forms, has been used to transform geographical places and spaces into a range of narrative supports and focal points. The aim of the Study Day is to explore some of the ways in which cartography has been present in the history of fiction cinema and in cinematographic operations. Additional information from Catherine Hoffman <catherine.hofmann(at)>.

December 7, 2024 – Brussels The next annual conference of Brussels Map Circle will focus on Spanish cartography. More information to follow.


March 19-22, 2025 - Seville The Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos/Instituto de Historia will have a “Mapping Frameworks” conference Cartografía y territorialidad en América [Cartography and territoriality in America]. The conference aims to open a rich dialogue among specialists in the history of maps, history of science, landscape archaeology, American culture, etc., which reflect on the way of understanding and interpreting spaces in the Americansbetween the 15th and 18th centuries.

July 8-11, 2025 – Paris The International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) will hold their annual conference at Campus Condorcet. The theme is Mapping the Cultural Crossroads. Additional details to be announced.

August 26-29, 2025 - London The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2025 will be held. Additional details to be announced.

September 11-14, 2025 - Portland, Maine The 42nd International Map Collectors' Society annual symposium will be at the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, 314 Forest Ave. We will also be working with the University of Southern Maine facilities. The conference title is New Perspectives on Mapping New England and Maritime Canada. The program opens with an evening reception and possible keynote lecture on Thursday. Friday and Saturday will be lectures during the day and dinner on your own. Sunday, the final day, will be a behind the scenes tour and "Treasures of the Collection" in the morning. Then lunch and a walking tour of Portland in the afternoon ending around 3:00 PM. Closing banquet that night. There will be a post-symposium three-day tour of Maine Monday through Wednesday, September 15-17th. Additional details to be announced. Contact Libby Bischof <elizabeth.bischof(at)> for more information.

October 31-November 1, 2025 - Winston-Salem The Museum Of Early Southern Decorative Arts asks you to please save the date for a two day map seminar, Mapping America & Its Expansion, as we explore the American Century and America’s westward migration during the 18th and 19th centuries. Moderated by Margaret Pritchard, Former Curator of Prints, Maps, and Wallpaper at Colonial Williamsburg, lecturers will include JC McElveen, Wesley Brown, and Chet Van Duzer. The seminar will also include a map fair.


July 7-11, 2026 – Prague The 31st International Conference on the History of Cartography will have as its primary venue the main building of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 6. The theme is Bridging the Past and Present in Cartography. Additional information from <ichc2026(at)>.

November 8-14, 2026 - Tokyo and Kyoto The International Map Collectors' Society has been invited by the Japan Map Society to participate in a conference that they would host for international guests with most of the program in English. Date and program currently are tentative.

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by John W. Docktor <phillymaps(at)gmail(dot)com>