Cartography - Calendar of Meetings and Events

New members and visitors are always welcome to attend these events.
Please submit your meeting notices to John W. Docktor <phillymaps(at)gmail(dot)com>
To learn more about non-current maps see Map History / History of Cartography.
Exhibition announcements can be found at Cartography - Calendar of Exhibitions.
Click here for archive of past events.


February 1, 2025 - Avon, Connecticut Are you intrigued by old maps, and perhaps collect them too? Are you confused and tongue-tied by jargon such as “foxing” or “neat line”, or simply not sure where to start or how to develop your collection? Come join with the Connecticut Map Society as our president, Brian Tims, enlightens us about collecting (and, most importantly, enjoying) antique and vintage maps of all types. Brian will be your sherpa as he walks you through the land of collecting, including how to define your collection, where to search for and acquire maps, evaluating them, negotiating, and preserving your collection. This event is free and open to the public. Bring a friend, or two! Meet at 1pm in Avon Free Public Library, Community Room, 281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 0600. Click here to view the event Antique Map Collecting 101: Foxing, soiling, and worm holes, oh my! on the library’s website and to pre-register, which is encouraged.

February 8, 2025 – Richmond The Washington Map Society will visit the Library of Virginia, 800 E. Broad St., for a guided tour of their new map exhibition, “Mapping the Commonwealth, 1816-1826.” Cassandra Farrell, Exhibition Curator and Senior Map Archivist, Library of Virginia (Board Member, Washington Map Society) will be our guide. Registration for this event is required. Coffee beginning at 10 AM and tour 11 AM to Noon. Early afternoon - lunch at Secret Sandwich Society, 501 E Grace Street (each paying for his/her own). Snow date March 1, 2025.

February 12, 2025 – London (Online) The Map Curators’ Group of the British Cartographic Society will hold its annual business meeting at 2pm on Teams. If you have any items for the agenda, or would like attend, please contact <martin.davis(at)> or <debbie.hall(at)> by Friday 7th February. We will send a meeting link and any papers in advance.

February 12, 2025 - Sint-Niklaas, Belgium Daniël Pletinckx will speak about Jan Bale, an excellent surveyor from the 17th century at 8:00 p.m. in SteM Zwijgershoek, Zwijgershoek 14.

February 13, 2025 - Oxford (Online) The 32nd Annual Series Oxford Seminars In Cartography run from 4.30pm to 6.00pm (UK time). Margriet Hoogvliet and Anouk de Vries (Universiteit van Amsterdam) will be the speakers. Click here to book your place. For further details please contact: Nick Millea <nick.millea(at)>, Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG; Tel: 01865 287119. The Oxford Seminars in Cartography are supported by: The Friends of TOSCA / The Bodleian Libraries / The School of Geography and the Environment / The Charles Close Society / Lovell Johns Ltd.

February 20, 2025 - Chicago (Hybrid) You are invited to join the Chicago Map Society for an informative program at the Newberry Library, 60 W Walton St. 5:30 p.m. – social hour (delicious finger food and light refreshments); 6:00 p.m. – presentation by Hayley Cotter Legal Maps & Maritime Space: The case of John Selden’s Mare clausum. Register in advance for this Zoom meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

February 22, 2025 – New York Up to 12 New York Map Society 2025 members are invited to attend (via an RSVP to <kapochunas(at)>) the Downtown Brooklyn condo of two members for an exploration of New York City zoning, budget and civic infrastructure data via maps. Meeting will start at 2:00 pm New York (ET) time. "The State of New York" and how its $114 billion budget is spent will be shown. A variety of items will be showcased, including Department of Education districts and their budgets, parks and relative park spend, zones where heavy manufacturing is allowed to take place, property tax revenues, and much, much more.

February 25, 2025 – Cambridge (Online) The Cambridge Seminars in the History of Cartography meets at 5.30pm UK time. Finnian O’Cionnaith (Dublin) will present ‘A peculiar survey … for our peculiar purpose’: founding the Ordnance Survey of Ireland. All are welcome. Joining instructions for Zoom will be circulated nearer the time. Please send an email to <events(at)> if you wish to join the mailing list. For any enquiries, please contact Sarah Bendall at <sarah.bendall(at)>, tel. 01223 330476. The seminars are kindly supported by Emmanuel College Cambridge.

February 26, 2025 - London (Online) The next Show & Tell’ from the International Map Collectors' Society takes place by Zoom at 6pm UK time. This year, in conjunction with “Venice in Peril”, we have a presentation on the conservation of a major Coronelli Globe. We also aim for variety – with 7 mainly new presenters this time, looking at maps ranging from a Blaeu map of a French region to a Lufthansa air map ‘with a Cold War twist’. Register if you wish to join the event. As soon as you have completed the very brief Registration Form, you will receive an automated confirmation of your intent to attend and will also receive a ‘reminder’ email the day before the ‘Show & Tell’ takes place. Both confirmation and reminder will contain the Zoom joining link.

February 27, 2025 - London (Hybrid) We're very pleased to invite you to this year's “Maps and Society” lectures in the history of cartography, hosted by the Warburg Institute. Meetings will start at the usual time of 5pm (GMT). All meetings are free and take place online and in person. For those attending in person, meetings will be held in the newly developed auditorium at the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, and will be followed by refreshments. For those wishing to attend please register in advance to reserve your place in-person or to receive a Zoom link on the day: Any enquiries, please email <c.delano-smith(at)> or <philip.jagessar(at)>. Louise McCarthy and Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris Cité) will discuss Cartographic Science at the Service of Company Propaganda in Early Imperialist Britain (1600–1625). McCarthy and Niayesh are Hakluyt Society Speakers.

February 28, 2025 - Chicago The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton St., will have a "Map History Seminar" from 11:00am–1:00pm. The Seminar aims to support interdisciplinary research in the history of maps and mapping in any period or specialty. The seminar uses a workshop model where attendees will read a pre-circulated paper from the presenter and attend ready to discuss. Some meetings will be virtual and some in person. Christina Dando (University of Nebraska) will discuss American "Redlining" Maps as Iconic Images. This event is free, but all participants must register in advance. Space is limited, so please do not request a paper unless you plan to attend. Register and Request Paper.

March 6, 2025 - Berlin (Hybrid) Maps belong to the oldest forms of human communication and thus represent an important historical record of space. Yet, maps are much more than just a visual presentation of a territory during a certain period of time, but a reflection on historical, political, religious and cultural contexts in which they were compiled. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte and Einstein Center Chronoi jointly organized a lecture series Maps and Mapping in Global History and Culture II. This is the second part of a series of lectures held November-December, 2024. Lectures are at 6 pm (CET) in Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance is required and can be done from the meeting web page. Today there will be a Lecture with Dialogue about Sebastian Münster’s Cosmography: Making Maps and Imaging Germany.

March 8, 2025 – New York The New York Map Society invites current members, only, to RSVP to <kapochunas(at)> for one of a maximum of 20 places for a private tour of an upcoming exhibition at the Grolier Club: Wish You Were Here: Guidebooks, Viewbooks, Photobooks, and Maps of New York City, 1807-1940 (Second Floor). Our tour guide will be Mark D. Tomasko, curator of the exhibition, which features more than 130 objects – guidebooks, viewbooks, photobooks, maps, and pamphlets -- from his collection. Tour will be at 2:00 pm New York (EST).

March 11, 2025 – Denver (Hybrid) The Rocky Mountain Map Society will meet at 5:30 PM MT in History Colorado Center, downtown Denver. Program will be in the MDC Room on the 4th Floor, across from the Martin Room. Please enter the building at the main (front) entrance. Ethan Gannett (President and Mapping Chair for the Colorado-Cherokee Trail Chapter of the Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) where he is Vice President of the national organization) will talk about Mapping the Historic Cherokee Trail in Colorado. The Colorado portion of the Cherokee Trail was used to connect from the Santa Fe Trail at Bent’s Old Fort to the California Trail at Fort Bridger, Wyoming for Cherokee and white emigrants to seek their riches in the 1849 California Gold Rush. It was a major artery for emigrants and settlers in Colorado in the 1850s-1860s, long before the Overland Stage Company claimed its routes. Click here for Zoom link at the time meeting starts (no registration necessary).

March 12, 2025 - Sint-Niklaas, Belgium Ward Bohé and Bram Vannieuwenhuyze will discuss Mercator - a look behind the scenes of the future cartography museum at 8:00 p.m. in SteM Zwijgershoek, Zwijgershoek 14.

March 13, 2025 - London (Hybrid) We're very pleased to invite you to this year's “Maps and Society” lectures in the history of cartography, hosted by the Warburg Institute. Meetings will start at the usual time of 5pm (GMT). All meetings are free and take place online and in person. For those attending in person, meetings will be held in the newly developed auditorium at the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, and will be followed by refreshments. For those wishing to attend please register in advance to reserve your place in-person or to receive a Zoom link on the day: Any enquiries, please email <c.delano-smith(at)> or <philip.jagessar(at)>. James Cheshire (University College London) will discuss Discoveries from the UCL Map Library.

March 19-22, 2025 - Seville The Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos/Instituto de Historia will have a “Mapping Frameworks” conference Cartografía y territorialidad en América [Cartography and territoriality in America]. The conference aims to open a rich dialogue among specialists in the history of maps, history of science, landscape archaeology, American culture, etc., which reflect on the way of understanding and interpreting spaces in the Americansbetween the 15th and 18th centuries.

March 20–22, 2025 - Boston The Renaissance Society of America and Shakespeare Association of America will hold a joint conference. Organized by the editorial team at Imago Mundi: The International Journal for the History of Cartography, there will be a panel session during the conference, Lost and Found in Translation: Cartographic History Between Literary and Visual Studies. The session will highlight and practice new directions in cartographic history.

March 20, 2025 - Chicago You are invited to join the Chicago Map Society for an informative program at the Newberry Library, 60 W Walton St. 5:30 p.m. – social hour (delicious finger food and light refreshments); 6:00 p.m. – presentation by Emily Lyon, Ruth Taylor White’s Maps.

March 20, 2025 – Washington (Online) Hosted by the Washington Map Society, this Zoom meeting is presented in partnership with the California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies. Anyone interested in participating in the meeting must RSVP to John Docktor at washmap(at) in order to receive the meeting ID and passcode. Meeting will start at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, 6:00 PM Central Time, 5:00 PM Mountain Time, and 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Laura Ten Eyck (Gallery Director, Argosy Book Store in Manhattan and Vice President of New York Map Society) and P. J. Mode (lawyer for more than 40 years in Washington DC and New York City and collector of persuasive maps recently donated to Cornell University) will discuss Just In Case I Don’t Live Forever, What Should Happen To My Collection?. Originally presented to the New York Map Society in January 2020, this presentation will enumerate various ways of donating or disposing of map collections. The topics that will be discussed include selling at an auction, selling to one or more dealers, selling or giving to an institution, and giving to family or friends.

March 27, 2025 - Berlin (Hybrid) Maps belong to the oldest forms of human communication and thus represent an important historical record of space. Yet, maps are much more than just a visual presentation of a territory during a certain period of time, but a reflection on historical, political, religious and cultural contexts in which they were compiled. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte and Einstein Center Chronoi jointly organized a lecture series Maps and Mapping in Global History and Culture II. This is the second part of a series of lectures held November-December, 2024. Lectures are at 6 pm (CET) in Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance is required and can be done from the meeting web page. Today there will be a Lecture with Dialogue about Thematic Mapping in 18th to 19th-century Germany.

March 29, 2025 - Brussels The Annual General Meeting and Map Afternoon of the Brussels Map Circle will be held at Map Room of KBR (Royal Library of Belgium).

April 2, 2025 - Sint-Niklaas, Belgium Mario Cams will speak about Squaring the Circle: The Seventeenth-Century Encounter between East Asian and European World Maps at 8:00 p.m. in SteM Zwijgershoek, Zwijgershoek 14.

April 3, 2025 - London (Hybrid) We're very pleased to invite you to this year's “Maps and Society” lectures in the history of cartography, hosted by the Warburg Institute. Meetings will start at the usual time of 5pm (GMT). All meetings are free and take place online and in person. For those attending in person, meetings will be held in the newly developed auditorium at the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, and will be followed by refreshments. For those wishing to attend please register in advance to reserve your place in-person or to receive a Zoom link on the day: Any enquiries, please email <c.delano-smith(at)> or <philip.jagessar(at)>. Johanna Skurnik (University of Turku) will discuss Maps for Development? Finnish Mapping of the Global South, c.1970–2000.

April 4-6, 2025 - Zurich The 19th International Atlas Days will be held at Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Zähringerpl. 6. The program “The Swiss Atlas Cartography – Precision and Innovation between Snow and Rocks” will reconstruct the development of Swiss cartography in lectures and by inspecting the maps in detail. Due to the special nature of Swiss cartography, the scope of the event will not only include the private publishers of the 19th and 20th centuries, as has been the case in previous events, but will also examine aspects of early private cartography and official cartography. A guided tour of the history of maps in the Swiss National Museum rounds off the program. Registration is required.

April 8, 2025 - Berlin (Hybrid) Maps belong to the oldest forms of human communication and thus represent an important historical record of space. Yet, maps are much more than just a visual presentation of a territory during a certain period of time, but a reflection on historical, political, religious and cultural contexts in which they were compiled. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte and Einstein Center Chronoi jointly organized a lecture series Maps and Mapping in Global History and Culture II. This is the second part of a series of lectures held November-December, 2024. Lectures are at 6 pm (CET) in Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin. Registration for in-person and virtual attendance is required and can be done from the meeting web page. Today there will be a Roundtable discussing House Models for the Living and the Dead across Ancient Eurasia: Synchronicities and Diachronicities of Cross-Cultural Typologies.

April 11, 2025 – London The International Map Collectors' Society will visit from 10.30am to 1.00pm the Royal Geographical Society map collection in Kensington near Hyde Park. It will be hosted by Katherine Parker, Cartographic Collections Manager of the RGS, who will be well-known to many members. The RGS is less than a 10-minute walk from the Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and the Natural History Museum, so you have a big choice of how to spend the rest of your day. The cost will be £10.00. The full programme and booking information is on the IMCoS website. There will only be 25 places, so book early. If you have any questions, please send an email to UK Representative Mark Clark <markclark368(at)>.

April 17, 2026 - Chicago The Chicago Map Society will meet at 5:30 pm CT (Social Time) in The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton St. At 6:00 pm CT Daniel Block will discuss Finding Food: How We Map and Talk About Food Access in Chicago and Beyond.

April 24, 2025 – Washington Kris Butler (Senior Career Coach at Holland & Knight, lawyer, and author of “Drink Maps in Victorian Britain”) will speak about American Drink Maps of the Boston area and towns in Maine and New Hampshire in later editions of Rowntree & Sherwell’s The Temperance Problem and Social Reform. Talk will be at 6:00 pm in Holland & Knight, 800 17th Street, NW. Kris will share new research since the publication of her book on little known versions of United States drink maps made to persuade lawmakers to reduce the number of places to buy alcohol. Craft beer will be served. Security in the building requires registration for this meeting by April 22.

May 6, 2025 – Cambridge (Online) The Cambridge Seminars in the History of Cartography meets at 5.30pm UK time. Onur Engin (University of Cambridge) will present Echoes on the map: unveiling the auditory history of late Ottoman Istanbul through digital cartography. All are welcome. Joining instructions for Zoom will be circulated nearer the time. Please send an email to <events(at)> if you wish to join the mailing list. For any enquiries, please contact Sarah Bendall at <sarah.bendall(at)>, tel. 01223 330476. The seminars are kindly supported by Emmanuel College Cambridge.

May 7, 2025 – Chicago (Hybrid) The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton St., will have a meeting from 6:00-7:00pm. Barbara Mundy, in conversation with Lia Markey and David Weimer, will discuss The 1524 Cortés Map of Tenochtitlán, Mexico. This program will be held in-person at the Newberry and livestreamed on Zoom. Register here.

May 8, 2025 - London (Hybrid) We're very pleased to invite you to this year's “Maps and Society” lectures in the history of cartography, hosted by the Warburg Institute. Meetings will start at the usual time of 5pm (GMT). All meetings are free and take place online and in person. For those attending in person, meetings will be held in the newly developed auditorium at the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, and will be followed by refreshments. For those wishing to attend please register in advance to reserve your place in-person or to receive a Zoom link on the day: Any enquiries, please email <c.delano-smith(at)> or <philip.jagessar(at)>. Yvonne Lewis (Assistant National Curator (Libraries), The National Trust) will discuss Marking the Miles: Some annotated maps in National Trust Collections.

May 14, 2025 - Sint-Niklaas, Belgium Wouter Bracke will discuss Maps of Congo from the library of Leopold II at 8:00 p.m. in SteM Zwijgershoek, Zwijgershoek 14.

May 15, 2025 - Chicago You are invited to join the Chicago Map Society for an informative program at the Newberry Library, 60 W Walton St. 5:30 p.m. – social hour (delicious finger food and light refreshments); 6:00 p.m. – presentation by Richard Condit Maps, Biogeography, and Species Extinction.

May 15, 2025 - Oxford (Online) The 32nd Annual Series Oxford Seminars In Cartography run from 4.30pm to 6.00pm (UK time). Carolina Martínez (Universidad Nacional de San Martín-CONICET, Argentina) will talk about Trans-Pacific maritime routes and Peruvian agency in three 17th-century nautical atlases. Click here to book your place. For further details please contact: Nick Millea <nick.millea(at)>, Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG; Tel: 01865 287119. The Oxford Seminars in Cartography are supported by: The Friends of TOSCA / The Bodleian Libraries / The School of Geography and the Environment / The Charles Close Society / Lovell Johns Ltd.

May 16, 2025 - Aberystwyth, Ceredigion Carto-Cymru - The Wales Map Symposium 2025 will be held by the National Library of Wales. Our theme this year is "The Art of Maps" and we will be exploring how artists have used maps or been influenced by them when creating works of art, as well how as the artistic elements of maps and mapmaking have changed over time. Additional information from Huw Thomas <huw.thomas(at)>.

May 20-23, 2025 - Ottawa We warmly invite you to join Carleton University’s Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers from May 20 to 23, held jointly with the 50th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Canadian Cartographic Association from May 20 to 21.

May 29, 2025 - Oxford (Online) Today's meeting has been POSTPONED. The 32nd Annual Series Oxford Seminars In Cartography run from 4.30pm to 6.00pm (UK time). Petter Hellström (Uppsala Universitet) will discuss Unmapping Africa in the Age of the Enlightenment. Click here to book your place. For further details please contact: Nick Millea <nick.millea(at)>, Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG; Tel: 01865 287119. The Oxford Seminars in Cartography are supported by: The Friends of TOSCA / The Bodleian Libraries / The School of Geography and the Environment / The Charles Close Society / Lovell Johns Ltd.

June 1-6, 2025 - Charlottesville Matthew Edney will be teaching a week-long seminar, H-65, Material Foundations of Map History, 1450–1900, at Rare Book School, University of Virginia. The course is intended for students, faculty, librarians, dealers, collectors, and anyone interested in early maps, whether beginners or experts. It includes broad introduction to maps and their materiality; particular consideration of atlases, maps in books, and bibliographical practices; hands-on printing with letterpress and intaglio presses; and in-class examination of maps and books from RBS's own collections.

June 6, 2025 – Oxford The Map Curators’ Group of the British Cartographic Society is planning a one day event. In the morning will be a map cataloguing training session, aimed at people who look after map, book or manuscript collections and would like further training on dealing with maps. The afternoon will be the MCG Workshop. Both events will be in person, at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, and people are welcome to sign up for either or both parts. Further details will circulated. Additional information from <martin.davis(at)> or <debbie.hall(at)>.

June 7, 2025 – London The Annual General Meeting of the International Map Collectors' Society will be held at 10am in the Library, Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore.

June 7-8, 2025 - London The London Map Fair will be at its usual location of the Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore. At 14:30 on Saturday, journalist and author Nicholas Nugen will speak about Spices, Maps and the origins of global sea trade.

June 11, 2025 - Sint-Niklaas, Belgium Djoeke van Netten will discuss Frozen sea and melting ice. Cartography of the North Pole at 8:00 p.m. in SteM Zwijgershoek, Zwijgershoek 14.

June 12, 2025 - Oxford (Online) The 32nd Annual Series Oxford Seminars In Cartography run from 4.30pm to 6.00pm (UK time). Jean-Marc Besse (L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) will speak about Geography and Catholic censorship in Europe at the end of the sixteenth century. Click here to book your place. For further details please contact: Nick Millea <nick.millea(at)>, Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG; Tel: 01865 287119. The Oxford Seminars in Cartography are supported by: The Friends of TOSCA / The Bodleian Libraries / The School of Geography and the Environment / The Charles Close Society / Lovell Johns Ltd.

June 12, 2025 – Vienna An International Conference on the History of Map Collecting Vienna, Central Europe and Beyond will be at University of Vienna. The conference will be organised jointly by the Vienna Center for the History of Collecting (Austria) and Moravian Library in Brno (Czech Republic) and will be accompanied by a poster exhibition on Bernard Paul Moll composite atlas preserved at Moravian Library which originated in Vienna in the 18th century. Should you have further questions, please contact the organizers Eva Chodějovská <chodejovska(at)> and Silvia Tammaro <silvia.tammaro(at)>).

June 16-20, 2025 - London Maps are simultaneously ubiquitous in everyday life yet also strangely absent from much scholarly work outside the niche field of the history of cartography. How to catalogue, study, and discuss maps as historical sources for research is a subject that draws insight from critical bibliography, the history of the book, historical geography, and other subjects, making it an interdisciplinary and dynamic field. A History of Maps and Mapping is a London Rare Book School course (University of London, Senate House, Malet Street), convened by Katherine Parker.

June 16-20, 2025 - Mexico City Since 1987 and during twenty meetings, an academic network has been consolidated between the geographic community of Latin America and the Caribbean, to face the social, economic, political, environmental and cultural challenges that the region faces. From the diversity of the territories, based on research and teaching, spaces have been built to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise, which contribute to consolidating the identity of the geographies in the region. For this reason, the National Autonomous University of Mexico is pleased to host the "XX Meeting of Geographies of Latin America and the Caribbean" at the Ciudad Universitaria campus in Mexico City. André Reyes Novaes (UERJ - BR), Carolina Martinez (CONICET - AR) and Mariana Lamego (UERJ - BR) will host a session History of cartography and geographical imagination in Latin America. This panel aims to discuss the role of cartographic images in shaping imaginative geographies in Latin America. More information from <mariana.lamego(at)>.

July 8-11, 2025 – Paris The International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) will hold their annual conference at Campus Condorcet. The theme is Mapping the Cultural Crossroads. A two-day Workshop (8-9 July) for early career professionals (scholars, curators, archivists, and librarians) working in the history of cartography, will precede the Symposium (10-11 July). Post-event trip to Vincennes with guided tour through the cartographic treasures of the Historical Archives Center kept in the Château de Vincennes, a former fortress and royal residence dating back to 14th century is planned for 12 July. Additional details online.

August 11–15, 2025 - Los Angeles Ian Fowler (Curator of Maps, History, and Government Information; New York Public Library) will be teaching a California Rare Book School course on the History of Cartography at UCLA. This course is designed to provide a general overview of the history of mapping in the western world as well as the use of cartographic resources in modern day teaching and research.

August 26-29, 2025 - London The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2025 will be held. Additional details to be announced.

September 11-14, 2025 - Portland, Maine The 42nd International Map Collectors' Society annual symposium will be at the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, 314 Forest Ave. We will also be working with the University of Southern Maine facilities. The conference title is New Perspectives on Mapping New England and Maritime Canada. The program opens with an evening reception and possible keynote lecture on Thursday. Friday and Saturday will be lectures during the day and dinner on your own. Sunday, the final day, will be a behind the scenes tour and "Treasures of the Collection" in the morning. Then lunch and a walking tour of Portland in the afternoon ending around 3:00 PM. Closing banquet that night. There will be a post-symposium three-day tour of Bar Harbor and Acadia National Forest Monday through Wednesday, September 15-17th. Additional details to be announced. Contact Libby Bischof <elizabeth.bischof(at)> for more information.

October 8-10, 2025 - Stanford The David Rumsey Map Center will host the fifth biennial Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography. To stay in the loop about the conference theme and speakers over the coming months, please sign up for the Ruderman Conference mailing list.

October 16-18, 2025 – Chicago (Hybrid) The Newberry Library, 60 W Walton St., will be hosting the 22nd Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr. Lectures in the History of Cartography. The theme will be "Mapping from Mexico: New Narratives for the History of Cartography". This program will be held in-person at the Newberry and livestreamed on Zoom. Additional registration, schedule, and speaker information will be released as the event nears.

October 23-25, 2025 – Denver The Society for the History of Discoveries annual conference will be hosted by the Rocky Mountain Map Society and the Denver Public Library, with opening reception the evening of October 23rd, and program October 24th and 25th. Additional details to be announced.

October 31-November 1, 2025 - Winston-Salem The Museum Of Early Southern Decorative Arts asks you to please save the date for a two day map seminar, Mapping America & Its Expansion, as we explore the American Century and America’s westward migration during the 18th and 19th centuries. Moderated by Margaret Pritchard, Former Curator of Prints, Maps, and Wallpaper at Colonial Williamsburg, lecturers will include JC McElveen, Wesley Brown, and Chet Van Duzer. The seminar will also include a map fair.


July 7-11, 2026 – Prague The 31st International Conference on the History of Cartography will have as its primary venue the main building of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 6. The theme is Bridging the Past and Present in Cartography. Additional information from <ichc2026(at)>.

November 8-14, 2026 - Tokyo and Kyoto The International Map Collectors' Society has been invited by the Japan Map Society to participate in a conference that they would host for international guests with most of the program in English. Date and program currently are tentative.

Last Updated on February 6, 2025 by John W. Docktor <phillymaps(at)gmail(dot)com>